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Thought Leadership Mar 9, 2018

Turnaround for Children presents to AMBIT Washington Ireland Program for Service and Leadership

Turnaround’s Bridget Scanlon speaking with the AMBIT Class of 2018.

Turnaround’s Dr. Gisele C. Shorter, Vice President, Policy and Partnership Engagement; Bridget Scanlon, Manager, Research Operations; and Kate Felsen, VP, Communications, welcomed members of the AMBIT program of the Washington Ireland Program for Service and Leadership to Turnaround’s headquarters on West 45th Street in New York to learn more about how we can connect the dots between science, adversity and student development. The Washington Ireland program, with offices in Belfast and Dublin in Ireland, along with one in Washington, D.C., works to inspire and develop promising leaders through a program of personal development, policy debate and community service; its AMBIT program supports communities through shared learning, with a particular eye toward supporting young people at risk.

During the presentation, Turnaround’s staff shared recent research and learnings from Turnaround’s practice about the impact of adversity on learning and the science behind learning and development with 20 AMBIT Class of 2018 members, all practitioners based in Ireland. The AMBIT Class of 2017 visited with Turnaround for a similar conversation last year.

Turnaround presenters with attendees from the AMBIT Class of 2018.