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Thought Leadership Apr 28, 2014

America’s Promise Alliance: Building A GradNation Summit

On April 28, 2014, Dr. Pamela Cantor was invited to give a keynote speech at the GradNation Summit. Convened by America’s Promise Alliance, GradNation brought together 1,000+ education practitioners, funders, reformers, nonprofit leaders, and policymakers for conversations about how to improve educational outcomes for students across the country.

The presentation entitled, Understanding the Context: Low-Performing, High-Poverty Schools, looked at how the creation of “Fortified Environments for Teaching and Learning” can minimize the impact of poverty on student achievement and enhance the success of current reform efforts. Dr. Cantor was joined by Cami Anderson, Superintendent of Newark Public Schools, and Lester Strong, VP and Chief Executive at AARP Experience Corps to continue the conversation.