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Thought Leadership Mar 28, 2018

Pamela Cantor, M.D. Headlines Digital Promise Webinar on Trauma, Stress and Schools

Turnaround for Children President and CEO Pamela Cantor, M.D. headlined Digital Promise’s webinar: Trauma, Stress and Schools: Connecting the Dots between Science and Practice, along with Vic Vuchic, Chief Innovation Officer, Digital Promise Global and host, Barbara Pape, Communications Director, Learning Positioning Systems, Digital Promise Global.

The webinar, which was attended by over 700 educators from around the world, explored the science of adversity and principles of child development as found in the Applied Developmental Science papers.

During the webinar, Dr. Cantor discussed the impacts of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the development of children’s brain, and how science and practice are informing the ways schools can be designed to help all children thrive. She also discussed the key principles of human development and the Building Blocks for Learning framework, and the power all educators carry to be brain builders by creating safe, supportive classrooms filled with trusting relationships.

Watch the presentation recording here.