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Thought Leadership Aug 29, 2017

Michael Lamb presents to NE Teacher’s Union Reform Network and Plainville Public Schools in Massachusetts

Michael Lamb presents to NE TURN and Plainville MA School Distric


Michael Lamb, Executive Director, Washington D.C led a day of learning, training and orientation in Plainville, MA for the entire staff of the Plainville School District as well as social-emotional learning (SEL) teams from Plainville and five other NE TURN (Teacher’s Union Reform Network) districts. Approximately 145 participants attended the day’s events.

The day began with a districtwide orientation keynote for all staff from the Plainville School District joined by SEL teams from five other NE TURN districts: Boston Public Schools and Quaboag Public Schools from Massachusetts, and Portland Public Schools, Saco Public Schools and MSAD 55 Sacopee Valley from Maine. Lamb’s presentation was entitled “Connect the Dots Between Science, Stress and Student Development: Breaking down Barriers to Learning.”

After lunch, Lamb led all six district SEL teams–comprised of trainers and district leaders–in a training session that focused on supporting alignment of each district’s strategic plan with its SEL efforts. The shared goal was to facilitate the development of school cultures that address the social, emotional, academic and learning needs of all students.

Ultimately, the participating district SEL teams will share their efforts stemming from Lamb’s training session as part of NE TURN’s Professional Learning Community.