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Thought Leadership Jul 20, 2017

Michael Lamb delivers plenary talk at American Federation of Teachers’ TEACH Conference

Michael Lamb, Executive Director, Washington D.C. delivered a plenary talk to 1,400 educators on opening day of the AFT Together Educating America’s Children (TEACH) Conference, followed by a question and answer session focused on children’s well-being with AFT President Randi Weingarten and Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Associate Professor of Raza Studies and Education at San Francisco State University and Co-Founder of the Teaching Excellence Network.

AFT’s biennial professional development event featured young activists, politicians and current and former teachers presenting on “promoting children’s well-being,” “powerful learning” and “fostering cultures of collaboration.” Mike delivered a Ted-style talk connecting the dots between neuroscience, adversity and student performance, and told those gathered, “all of you are incredibly powerful people, yes you’re educators but you are also brain builders… we must actually use science, the science of the brain, to change the odds for our students.”

Watch Mike’s plenary talk here, and the Q&A here.