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News and Opinion Aug 14, 2017

Dr. Pamela Cantor quoted on NPR about the Importance of Resilience

Anya Kamenetz’s NPR article, Social and Emotional Skills: Everyone Loves Them, But Still Can’t Define Them, looks at how we collectively struggle  to identify, and further, name, essential student skills aren’t academics.

Turnaround’s President and CEO, Pamela Cantor, M.D., is quote as identifying these skills as resilience. Here is an excerpt:

Cantor’s organization addresses a lot of the qualities under the social-emotional umbrella, like mindfulness, growth mindset, self-regulation, attachment, executive function and social awareness. But in many ways, resilience is at the heart of what they do.

“Once children have a success behaviorally and they come to recognize that they actually do have control over their behavior and can make better choices, and you acknowledge it, then they make better choices.” And then they can learn.

Kamenetz’s full article can be read on NPR’s website here.