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One day all children in the United States will attend schools that prepare them for the lives they choose.

The Opportunity

Too many students are behind in school and too many schools don’t know what to do about it. Today in America, there are tens of thousands of students attending schools that are not preparing them with the skills they need to graduate, go to college, get a job and live the lives they choose. That’s why Turnaround for Children translates the science of learning and development into tools, strategies and services for educators so they can help more students reach their full potential as learners.

Instead of asking children to beat the odds, let’s use science to change the odds.


Develop Tools and Services

Develop tools and services to accelerate healthy student development and academic achievement in schools serving children impacted by adversity.


Expand Reach

Determine effective and scalable approaches for sharing our strategies and services with more schools and students.


Prompt Action

Raise awareness about the impact of adversity on learning, build credibility, and drive demand for tools and strategies that together accelerate healthy student development and academic achievement.

Why Turnaround for Children?

We don’t do just science or just practice. We do both. Our science team digs deeply into research on child development to inform the tools and services we deliver to educators. We measure how educators apply our strategies in schools and use that information to continuously improve.

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Science explains the connection between adverse childhood experiences and performance – it is key to understanding the problem and also key to the solution.

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Where We Work

We work in 13 schools in New York City, Newark, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., serving more than 5,000 students and nearly 600 educators. We pair each school with a community mental health provider to expedite care for the highest-need students.


Tools for Educators

Our tools and insights are in service of equity, rooted in science, tested in schools and transferable to any classroom facing adversity.

There has not been a moment when the work of an organization could be more relevant to the challenge facing America's schools.

Michele CahillNational Center for Civic Innovation