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Thought Leadership Jul 29, 2016

TURN Summer Conference

TURN Summer ConferenceThe Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN) Regions partnered with the Consortium for Educational Change to sponsor a summer leadership conference to engage teacher leaders in school, district and community collaborative partnerships that strive to ensure equity and excellence for all students.

Turnaround for Children’s Executive Director, Washington, D.C., Michael Lamb, was invited to participate in a panel presentation, “Achieving Excellence Through Social-Emotional Learning – What are we learning?” The panel was moderated by Jo Anderson, Consortium for Educational Change and included Ron Hertel, Compassionate Schools Model and Trauma-Informed Practices, Washington State and Karen Peterson, Professor Emerita, Governors State University and Consortium for Educational Change Consultant.

Following the panel, Lamb lead a two-part breakout session, “Science, Adversity and School Performance: Connecting the Dots.” The session focused first on understanding the impact of trauma and stress on learning, and then followed with strategies for building supportive school environments.

Watch the series of videos produced by TURN here.