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Thought Leadership Jun 29, 2016

2016 Aspen Ideas Festival

Aspen Ideas

Aspen Ideas Festival panel presentation moderated by Shirley Brandman, Executive Director, National Commission of Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, The Aspen Institute. The conversation featured Pamela Cantor, M.D., President and CEO, Turnaround for Children, Jim Shelton President, Chan Zuckerberg Education Initiative; and Tim Shriver, Co-Founder and Chair, Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning.

The presentation, Beyond Test Scores: Educating the Whole Student for Success, discussed the need to complement academic achievement with the development of social and emotional competencies and mindsets that form the foundation on which all other success depend on.

Listen to the audio feed here.

After the presentation, Dr. Cantor, Jim Shelton and Tim Shriver participated in a Facebook Live discussion that built on the presentation’s central ideas.